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Pasture Pals

I love the sweet Cow faces!  This is not only an homage to Cows but also to Grass. Grass is beautiful, very underrated & taken for granted!  Cows have personalities & preferences just like us.

The left speckled Cow body is a spotted Maple leaf, the face is Oak, Pink noses are slightly darkened Peony flower petals.  I was somewhat limited because of Winter so had to tweak the color. 

The black Cow is aged Norway Maple.  His bangs are brown corn silk.  The all brown Cow on the right is Oak.  Her bangs are yellow Corn silk.  Because I did not have access to large white flower petals, the white is simply the illustration board beneath.  The fence is aged Iris fronds. 

On the sides from top to bottom we have Club Moss from a wreath I had, Goldenrod, Native grass.  Along the bottom, left to right, is more Native grass, red Sheep Sorrel, 3 red Pistils of a Hibiscus flower, Moss, more Native grass & Goldenrod.   The flying black Crows are made of Norway Maple.  Background is Ginger root leaves.  Watercolor sky.





Pasture Pals


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